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5. Entrecopes

5. Entrecopes

Restaurant located on the ground floor of a unique 19th century building with a section of the boundary wall of the provincial forum representation square, which was also reused during the 12th century to serve as part of the city walls.

Even though the space that houses Entrecopes has been heavily modified over the centuries, the old wall of the provincial forum representation square of Tarraco — later reused as a defensive wall in the 12th century — can still be seen on the restaurant’s lower floor. La Casa Ixart (Ixart House), the building where Entrecopes is located, is also a unique construction in itself. It was the residence of one of the great authors of the Catalan Renaissance period: Josep Yxart i de Moragas, who was also a first cousin of celebrated 19th century author Narcís Oller i de Moragas.

Thus, Entrecopes is the perfect environment to enjoy a quiet meal surrounded by elements that convey the extensive legacy of a unique place and, who knows, perhaps to read or admire the works of literary authors that passed through this house during Yxart’s time, such as Narcís Oller, Joan Maragall or Santiago Rusiñol.

The restaurant can be found at Carrer dels Cavallers, 12. Menu available at this link.

The restaurant’s building has two façades: the main one located on Carrer dels Cavallers, and the rear one on Carrer dels Ferrers. Due to the difference in height between both streets, the access from Carrer dels Ferrers leads to a smaller space that can be classified as a partial basement.

It is in this space where we can see the southern closing wall of the Roman provincial forum representation square, built with large ashlars arranged in rows following the technique of opus quadratum, which was converted into a city wall when Tarragona was conquered and repopulated by the Counts of Barcelona during the 12th century. The rest of the building is also unique due to its eclectic construction style and the ensemble that it forms together with the neighbouring Montoliu and Castellarnau houses.

  • Restaurant located on the ground floor of a unique 19th century building with a section of the boundary wall of the provincial forum representation square, which was also reused during the 12th century to serve as part of the city walls.
    41.1177672 1.2558572
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